
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Hearts and Vases Quilt

A corner of "Hearts and Vases Quilt"
The hearts are firstly appliqued to the background squares on point, and then the border is assembled. Borders are mitred - a must when using stripes.

Simple shapes add to the naive feel and blue leaves add a touch of whimsy

A simplified "Broderie Perse" technique is used for the applique flowers - motifs have been chosen with backgrounds to match, thus eliminating the need for detailed cut-outs.
A little stack of quilts waiting to be transported to Nantes!


  1. Great job Brigitte the tips will be really helpful. Wondered why you had been so quiet thought you must have been busy packing books. I so love the book, have heard really positive feedback about it.

    1. Hi Jean! I'm still struggling with links - slow and steady - I will get there...
      Thanks for the book feedback - its very heartening. I just need to keep up the stitching..

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi David- it all sounds very intriguing - these sets of 4 matching hexagons...? I'll be interested to see what you make...happy quilting!

  4. Anonymous02 July, 2012

    I use paper clips to hold the fabric firm while I am preparing the fabric and papers.


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