
Monday, August 13, 2012

13-Panel Hexagon Quilt

In the book this quilt is simply called "Panel Hexagon Quilt".  I thought I'd show you some close-ups of the fussy-cutting in the blocks.  Its the perfect quilt to use up large print fabrics - the panels fit diagonally across a fat quarter. Another fat quarter can be used for the hexagon frame.  Leftovers from the 26 fat quarters are then used in the "fill-in" hexagons on the edges of the quilt.

Depending on the clarity of your screen, you should be able to see the join across the top of this panel (just below the 2 flowers).  So the new rule could be: "don't ever not use a fabric because you have to join it...the whole thing is joined...its 'patch'work!".  I love seeing little pieces that are joined together to make a whole patch in old's good economy!

In the centre of this quilt is a fabric from "Les Indiennes" showing the tower "La Tour de Constance" in my village of Aigues-Mortes. Its the only toile-style print (ie-a scene) in the quilt, so as the odd one out, sits happily in the middle. All the other prints are floral. See how the hexagons are fussy-cut.  There are 16 cut with the stripe "on point", and the 6 - on the ends and sides - cut with the stripe "on square".  This may be taking fussy-cutting to the extreme, but it does look like the pink stripes are radiating from the centre of the panel...

Here is another block where the hexagon motif has been fussy-cut, on point and on square.

For some reason these photos have all loaded on their sides - sorry (does anyone know how to fix this once you are in blogger? they were the right side-up before uploading)


  1. These blocks are gorgeous - thanks so much for the closeups. Some day...

  2. Thanks so much for the tip on fussy cutting the hexagons. I am still deciding which pattern to tackle first - this may be the one!

  3. So beautiful! I have just discovered your blog and glad I have - will be following closely :) Such lovely work
    Every Stitch

  4. Enjoying your blog. I have a question on the Panel Hexagon Quilt, how to you attach the hexies to the center diamond panel? It looks appliqued on....


ask me a question about a quilt or make a comment....